Friday, September 19, 2014

Spookey pudding

Ok so many not that spookey. .. more like adorable! !?

Here is a simple snack or party idea! Super easy and fun! Surely to be and big hit! 

After doing this I would recommend 2 or 3 boxes of pudding for these size cups tho! 

What you will need ....
sprinkles or chocolate chips ect
Pudding and food coloring or you can use color jello! 

Grab a sharpie marker and draw some creative faces or ... be like me go simple haha 

Ok so I'm not the best artist.... 

Ok my pudding is cooked I waited till mine cooled down before I colored it 

Once it's cool divid into whatever you are wanting and get to coloring .... 

There we go! 

You could also do purple for a witch 
or purple bat
Or draw a black cat then color yellow for the moon ... be creative :) 

Maybe I will do a part 2 of these next time I do pudding... but I think something cute and simple is great for parties serve with vanilla wafers!  

Follow my youtube videos ! 

here is how I did it :) 

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